Life is But a Dream
6 min readJ.A.Montemoiño
I realized at a young age, that reality wasn’t what it seemed. I remember being a child and looking at my hands and saying to myself… “Why can’t I see from someone else’s eyes”? I’m trapped in this body but I know I exist; I am. Cogito ergo sum. I remember drawing a picture in 4th grade of a circular room, in it was a radio, an art table, a bed, and two windows in the shape of Almonds. And I told my mother that “this is me”. I live inside my head and I control this body and those two windows are my eyes, the art table is my imagination, the radio is my soundtrack, the bed is to rest my mind all I have to do is park and close the blinds… I knew very young that this body was just a vehicle that I control, but it’s not me, I’m in “here”. I realized that I exist as a consciousness and that the physical body that can be seen was nothing more than a mechanical suit that I pilot. Of course, I chalked that up to reading too many comics.
But then later in my teens I realized that time was an idea that held monumental power and implications. I was 4 one moment, I blinked, and I was 12, I blinked again and I was 17… and it kept happening like that. “Time flies”. Just like in dreams, there is a time differential between actual time and dream time. It seems long when you’re in it, (the moment, the present, “The Now”), but every nanosecond that passes in “The Now” becomes the past, irreversibly written in stone and unchangeable the moment you call it into reality via action.
If we look at our entire life of existence up until this very moment, it actually passed by in a fraction of the time we perceived. Life is short… 35 years has gone by in seconds of thought. As of now, to remember my whole life and all of my experiences only takes a few moments; at best a few minutes of flashing memories, images, and feelings. 35 years has flown by in just moments. I can’t go back, I can’t relive it, and it’s gone and now it only exists as vibrating energies in the form of memory. All that is left is the results of choices I made and living within the tangent timeline created by each decision made by me throughout my journey. I won’t go into my theory of timelines; for now the relevant point is that time moves forward at incredible speed, diverging at every junction of choice.
You cannot change the past and the future has not yet come. All we have is ‘The Now’. This is reality; the energy of thoughts and perception at this very moment. The energy of thought and action can create the past by the choices made right now, likewise, the power of thoughts also mold the future with the choices made at each moment. I am the architect of my own reality. I’m the Author of my own life story. I navigate through timelines and create my own reality by making choices in ‘The Now’.”
So now, I ask myself what is this “thing” I’m living that we or I call “life”? What is this Life? What is this “reality” I find myself in with fleeting time, and perceptions based on things that I feel…no, that I know, are not real?
Reality is determined by what we see. But we shouldn’t trust what we see because everything has been proven to be mostly non-existent. 99% of your body is made up oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus.
These are made up of Nuclei, Electrons, and Protons and these atoms are themselves 99% empty space held together by universal forces. Each of these atoms is made up of nucleons and quarks which are just forms of energy. The same goes for everything we see, hear, taste, smell and touch. I…think…this reality is just my personal perception of energy. We only see things because our senses translate vibrating electromagnetic energy and they tell our brain that we are seeing something. We only feel things because our senses translate vibrating energy at the root of atoms, which make up molecules, which make up matter. We only hear because our senses translate vibrations and frequencies, and the same for taste and smell; everything in this world, life, and existence is energy and empty space… 99% not really there at all. Everything in reality is energy, vibrating energy, the same as synaptic brain waves firing off while dreaming; which leads me to another question…
An excerpt by Mulciber from Godkiller
“I’m giving you information so that you can exercise free will. In the republic they sensor and distort information and by doing so they restrict free will; outlaw it. When free will is outlawed, only outlaws will have free will.
You must adapt yourself to survive in this world and adaptation is not what your people are known for. Now listen hard and try to understand. Human Beings are hypnotized by light, they believe light is reality; human reality is based on how human brains interpret light reflecting off objects. Do not believe what you see.
An example then…
Matter is not solid; the objects you see around you, they’re physical things, they are not solid. They are comprised of Atoms. Atoms are mostly hollow, if an atom were the size of this building here, the actual hard matter inside would be smaller than your thumb. Packed together, atoms are like sand on the beach, the sand is solid enough for you to stand on but the sand will allow you to pass if you exert your will and burrow your hand through it. Do not trust your eyes”.
How do we know this reality is not a construct of our…or my own mind? It’s proven that nothing really exists the way we think it does… it’s all empty space and energy. The ground I stand on isn’t really there. Its 99% not there… how am I standing on it? How do I know that the people I meet, the ones I love, the things I see, have not been created by my own subconscious to fill the needs of this consciousness; through doubt, manifesting antagonists and challenges for me to overcome? How do we know that we didn’t create friends and family based off of the fragments of ourselves that we seek to bond with? How do we know that all the violence and horror of this planet is not a dark side of ourselves and that the humanitarians and charities are not positive aspects of us…or me…? How do I know that the doctors and psychiatrists aren’t just manifestations of my own psyche? How do I know I’m not writing this to myself, under the pretense that I’m writing it for others to read? Why? Because I can see it, feel it, smell it, taste it, hear it? All of those are just translations of near non-existent energy and empty space by my senses. How do I know that everyone who reads this and says “you’re going crazy” is not really me telling myself that discovering that life is but a dream is too much for me to understand or absorb at this point, so therefore I tell myself… don’t bite that apple. You’re going crazy.
I think…we…are all… the same…one consciousness… facets of the same diamond, the same energy, the same consciousness. From the perverted to the saintly, from the charities to the atrocities, it’s in all of us as one mind. It’s all me…
If this is all dream.
How do I wake up?