Day 17,330 Book of J.A.Montemoiño
2 min readDream States and Frequencies
I dream so profoundly every night. Depending on what I listen to, the dreams are like motion pictures full of detail with full sequences of events. I lucidly, and at times prophetically, dream, and absolutely believe I am accessing higher dimensions, other realities, and/or time variants. I sleep with ear phones listening to 8-12 Hour videos of frequencies (Black Screen) , and These are my favorite.
369Hz , 639Hz , 963Hz , 528Hz , 432Hz , 852Hz , 110.0Hz, 110.1Hz , Binaural , Hemi-Sync tones.
At first it was difficult to get through the night without pulling out the earphones, but I’ve found such rich reward in these nightly dreams, I have now become aware of them even in my sleep.
I don’t “Need” these frequencies, as I can take an afternoon nap and go deep into dream state about 85% of the time, but with them, I will go into deep dream state 100% of the time.
I have found these head phones to be the most comfortable. While wireless earbuds may fall out, or be uncomfortable to lay on, or parts may get lost.
I also found that drinking alcohol, or daily smoking of marijuana inhibits my dreams, and it because of this, that I refrain from indulging (besides hot smoke hurts my throat). I personally rebuke any mind altering substance about 99% of the time (Only the source energy is perfect and ever lasting).
369Hz , 639Hz , 963Hz is my recent favorite.
At times, dreams will reflect what we’ve been filling our minds with.
The mind is like a computer; aside from the “programs” uploaded that encompass our skills and operating system, there are consciously saved files of our creation, or otherwise, that exist for quick recall.
But also, like a computer’s internet usage, our mind keeps, cookies, cached files, and images deep within unbeknownst to you, that are not easily accessed by quick searches of your memory.
The mind has a neural network of hidden files holding all of the tastes, smells, sensations, sounds, and images you’ve looked at, even if you didn’t manually save it by choice.
Hence why some have scary dreams after watching a horror movie, or dream of a food that someone mentioned earlier that day.
It’s important to identify which dreams are the result of cached content, and which dreams are from your higher self, Divine Soul Essence, Inner Guide, or Godhead (which ever term you prefer).