December 1, 2024



Book of J.A.Montemoiño – Day 14,444

5 min read

☀Cosmic Communion☼

Life Paths – Theoretical / Hypothetical

This is just one second, in one Life Path, for this one particular instance in my consciousness’ 3rd and 4th dimensional existence.  These moments come thousands of times in a day and each decision changes what life path I am on.  Summarily, I navigate through timelines by making decisions in the “Now”. This is a living process that expands and creates itself over a former Life Path.  I am a 10th dimensional being relegating myself to be confined by my own choice to exist under such constraints called life.  My 7th dimensional manifestation knew every possibility that may come while choosing to take human form.

Choice grid-

Choice grid

A= Is me at this very moment (Red, White, Blue Vertical bar).  The ring I am in / surrounded by, is a brief moment in one particular Life Path where a decision must be made and I exist in that Moment-Ring.  Each Moment-Ring presents a multitude of options for me to choose from, which are represented in the above illustration by the lines leading out and away from the oval rings that will lead me to another Moment-Ring with a different set of choices each leading to another ring.  Once I leave one ring (by making a decision) it is no longer accessible and can only be revisited in the 5th dimension as those options are no longer available in the 3rd and 4th dimension because that moment has passed and in the 3rd dimension I cannot travel backwards in time. 1-4 are Moment-Rings or moments in a particular Life Path and timeline.

Throughout my conscious day I am hopping from one moment ring to another with the decisions I make.  Remember, each decision made in the Now (Moment Ring) creates my past (Time lines to the Right, aka Memories) and also constructs my possible futures and tangent Life Paths to the left.  Once again I offer a 2 dimensional representation below but the structure and grouping of life paths is inconceivable in the 3rd and 4th Dimension.

Below are all possible Life Paths that could possibly exist (infinite). I do not live in one timeline from birth to death,  I switch from Life Path to Life Path and each decision moves me from one moment-Ring to the next or in simpler terms from one timeline to another, yet no matter what ring I choose to dwell with is always “Now”.

In the example below there are many staggered vertical lines, these are possible Life Paths  that my consciousness is circulating between constantly, my active consciousness jumps from one “Now” to another. For the purpose of illustration, they are staggered but the actuality is that all of these “Life Paths” or “Moment Rings” are happening simultaneous and overlap each other.   The bottom of each vertical line below is my birth (infinite instances of my Birth) The top of each line is my death (infinite instances of my Death).  There is no future or past, there is only “Now” and our cosmic consciousness chooses what “Now” to live in.


I will postulate that at this very moment I (The Green Dot) am reading this at the midpoint of my life and in this Moment-Ring / Life Path there are unfathomable amount of options before me.     Switching timelines to the right is going back in time and assuming the active conscious control of myself as a younger me who is dreaming or having a split second glimpse into the future Moment Ring that I just left. Moving to the left is moving forward into the future and the Moment-Ring I just left is now a memory to the Right. Now, I consider me at this very moment (Orange Dot)  If I following the Blue line across, I can see that at this very moment I am being born (Follow line to the right) and at this very moment I just died in some time line (Follow Blue line to the left).  Theoretically, one could make a decision that causes immediate death (Switch to timeline on far left of blue line)  likewise I can make a decision that would extend my Life Path and timeline.

All of this exists within the 3rd and 4th Dimension of this Particular Life I have chosen to live known as Jacques A. Montemoiño , but I am all people, in all times, in all places (6th and 7th Dimension).  Just as I have purposely blocked myself from higher manifestation of awareness as Jacques, I have done the same for every living thing in this hologram I manufactured.  The game is not fun if you know you will always win.  A test is meaningless, if you have all the answers provided for you.  Everything in conception is me living every possibility in infinity where my source controller resides.  I am all things good and righteous, I am all things evil and dark and this existence is made of the manifestations thereof.  Not many of my facets can grasp how everyday, I go about interacting with myself in this 3rd and 4th Dimensional instance.  Yet, none of my variations are aware of this by cosmic design.

There is a saying:  “What you don’t like about other people is what you don’t like about yourself.”

Just as my Source Controller has infinite variations of itself good and evil, all living in this one particular universe, my polar vacillation is both negative and positive and creates parts of me I don’t like.  As such, there are some people I simply will not enjoy being around.  Does anyone enjoy facing their faults, shortcomings, moments of Anger, or weakness?  No, therefore I must accept that interacting with other versions or manifestations of myself, may be difficult.  I am learning “me” moment by moment, just as the universe expands and is compiling information, testing its own creation on itself, moment by moment.    Forces of creation and destruction exist and are written by the “All Source” Energy which is and commands us all.

Day 14,44

Selah, Ameen


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