December 1, 2024



Book of J.A.Montemoiño – Day 14,244

8 min read

Day 14,244 – 11/26/15: – Book of J.A.Montemoiño

☀Cosmic Communion☼

Day 14,244 – Book of J.A.Montemoiño

At the moment that I began writing this I was exactly

468 months old

2,034 weeks old

14,244 days old

341,863 hours old

20,511,826 minutes old

1,230,709,603 seconds old

Today the world says it’s my birthday.  Most people see birthdays as a “new year”, but I consider how it is actually the completion of a year, a graduation if you will; a moment of reflection is in order.  What has this year brought you? What have you brought to the world in this year?  What have you accomplished this year for yourself?  What is the sum culmination of 39 years of breathing Earth air with my own lungs.

I personally start my introspection, my cosmic communion by confronting my weaknesses because it is through owning your shortcomings do you #1 Forgive yourself for being Human and #2 gain an opportunity to learn, grow, and evolve.   I still am childish in my ways, yet I feel my journey has lent me a tremendous adventure of self-realization.

A moment to examine my entire life including my childhood, it is so easy to blame our problems in the now on the past.  This only shows that I am not prepared for enlightenment for enlightenment is understanding that in truth there is only “Now” and we create our Past and Future by becoming masters of the “Now”.  Your past only defines you if you give it permission; you are as much effected by your past as you want to be.  For instance; some have a difficult relationship with their parents or maybe never had any around and so on that merit Judgement is passed.  But understand this, there will never be a perfect parent, even our creator has moments of dark and Light, that is our cosmic equilibrium which we mimic.  There is always more to learn, always ways to improve, Always will be pitfalls, always will be moments of folly.  I take a loving parents approach to accepting my parents.  They were two children, who grew up, and started a family, agreeing to take on life together.  They only wanted the best, and tried hard to deliver.  But no one has a road map to life, each his/her own journey and hell, but these two kids in adult bodies kept the boat sailing albeit without spells of stormy weather.  I know, that I can only do my best with my own, but I will falter, I will stumble, I will make mistakes.  This is partly because our environment now criticizes the old ways, and so we have now new age Chaos; the illusion of choice sleeping in fallacy.

In 14,244 days I’ve seen money and the banking system used a noose that has been slowly tightened over 39 years and now we as a people are asphyxiated.

Family values and society in general have been destroyed. What our parents and ancestors called “home”, “Family” and “normal” has been skewed so horribly.  As for me and my home, we find treasure and wealth in the old ways, in the ways of my parents and grandparents.  Self-respect is almost nonexistent and the music industry teaches our children to think of sex as much as possible.  Men are criticized for being men.  Women are celebrated and encouraged to not need a man.  Men, can change their body with plastic surgery and pretend to be a female and all of this plays a larger part in the overarching societal situation.  In the next 20 years society will be impressively technologically advanced but on a personal level Society will be a disgusting representation of gradual desensitization to sick behavior.

What I’ve learned:

  • Death:  This is as much to be celebrated as a birth, because we all come and go in a blink of an eye, and there is no death only transmigration, the end is the beginning and beginning is the end.  Remember, funerals are for the living.
  • Fallibility:  Admit when you’re wrong.  Don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know”.
  • What’s a big deal to you may not be a big deal to another, deal with it.
  • Life:  Every new being that has sentience and that walks in this illusion called “Life” for a time is simply another variation of me searching to experience yet another of the limitless possibilities.  Every new life must be loved, protected, strengthened, taught, and emotionally bolstered.  I will aim to never teach hatred or intolerance and promote a pursuit of knowledge, Truth, and Wisdom.
  • Success: Your self-worth and your accomplishments are two distinctly different ideas; they are separate and should ALWAYS remain that way.  Success and accomplishment are yours and yours alone and have only the worth you give them; success should not be dependent on the response or recognition of others.  This only leads to disappointment when their praise no longer comes (There is a time for all things), you will feel deflated and your perception of yourself worth will swindle. I have seen accomplishment and accolades, I’ve been on television shows, radio shows, I’ve been quoted by some of the greatest minds humanity has to offer, I’ve won awards, etc.  But Success to one should never be compared to the success of another.  If I were a mountain monk, with a leaky roof in my hut, simply finding a way to stop that leak is SUCCESS!  A farmer’s good harvest; SUCCESS.   If I do things only because I want to “compete” or because I want the praise that I think another received for their accomplishments, then one day I’m going to be very disappointed when the adoration or praise from others doesn’t come.  Life is better spent doing what you love only looking for approval from yourself, don’t design your life around what you think others would be proud of, because eventually you will hate your job and be left unfulfilled.
  • Failure: This year I have seen failure, but even when I fail I still win because I learned something new, and I will not stop trying to be a better man today than I was yesterday.  It’s ok to have weakness, it’s not ok to let them define you.
  • Embarrassment:  I am quite known for making an ass of myself, “Chronic Foot-in-Mouth Disease” some have called it, and its ok, because at the end of the day, the opinions of others will affect me only as much as I allow them to.   I know that those that love me know me, and pass no judgement. Although we all co-create this reality, that does not mean we need to allow others to write our personal story for us.  Being considerate is all well and good, but don’t put too much energy into it.  Get over it, move on.
  • Lower frequency states of mind:  I’ve learned that Anger and Sadness and other negative states of mind will come, this does not make me an evil man.  My job is #1 to manage these emotions better, healthier, allowing my intellect to lead me rather than my emotions; moreover I am a simply a man.
  • Worry and Anxiety:  Is simply your imagination running away with yourself.  Get a hold of your mind.  You are captivated and paralyzed by imagining futures that have not come yet, and may not ever.  You may actually be calling the universe to deliver that very scary idea to you by intense thought and pre-occupation.
  • Wisdom:  I have become so much wiser over the past year, every day; I see the purpose of communing with myself and by doing so communing with my creator.
  • I learned that each child should be engaged differently raising child one way may not be best for the next child.  Hopefully you’ve grown a bit as a parent by child #2.
  • Each little spirit comes from a long cosmic existential journey that has existed just as long as I.  This is only their next stop; It’s our job to welcome new life and to shield them from the lies of the world.
  • Money comes and Money goes but what remains is the mind and memories.
  • You are not your bank account, because what happens when it’s all gone?

Once again, I celebrate my awareness and understanding of reality.  It is this cosmic communion that I commit and practice that tells me, there are no “Days” there is no procession of time because the past, Present, and future are all happening simultaneously in the now.  My decisions in the now plot my life yet I know that in this moment I have just died, in this same moment, I was just born,  at this very second I am typing this letter.  I am consciousness, I am not the vehicle or host that you call Jacques, I am in fact one facet of the source energy ever existent, ever present, ever aware of all.  And what Does not exist , I create by perception and thought.  I am a portion of the Master Builder in demonstration.   I am an avatar of the Grand Architect in epitome.   I am light and dark, good and evil, I am Rich and poor, I am all things in conception yet in this form I am called Jacques; Jacques who has a specific sequence of circumstances that makes him a unique equation or number in the cosmic scheme.  There will never be another, maybe a variation of this equation, maybe a multiple of this unique number that is Jacques, but there will not be another me.

I know that this reality is an illusion, a show, a virtual reality game if you will, I am the game creator and I am also the player and reality is what I make of it.  I know I chose to play, I chose to come here, I chose Jacques to be in this particular version and timeline.  And even if I don’t perceive it I am everyone and everything around me.

This year, I have grown.  This year I’ve gathered more wisdom, this year, I’ve made familiar mistakes, This year I learned from them.  I’m thankful that during this life I am the Son of Jose and Clara Montemoiño, I’m thankful for my entire life, I’m thankful, for Multiple Sclerosis because that was the catalyst toward my evolution in awareness, my alarm clock that awakened me; everything serves a purpose.  I’ve learned to harm no one and help any and all you can because what I put out into the universe the universe delivers back to me.   Treat everyone as you wish to be treated otherwise the you are literally asking for negativity to befall your world.

I thank my creator for my life and everything in it.  I ask from my cosmic self the strength and dedication to be the best human being I can be, to everyone, everywhere I go, and at all times including to myself.

Thankyou my creator for another day, another sunrise and another opportunity to be an example of your magnitude.

Selah Amin.

 Sun 14244


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